EHSS Update


In 2020, The Hong Kong Government has rolled out EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme (EHSS). The application period for the EHSS was closed on 31 December 2023.

Until March, 2024, there are a total 700+ successful applications; 72 car parks have completed the installation work while 49 car parks are with the installation works in progress. 500+ applications are still in design and tendering stages because these projects involve approvals and co-ordinations with different parties i.e. Incorporated owner committee, Car park owners, Management Office, EPD, Building Department, Fire Department and Utilities companies, etc. These took a rather long time to fine tune and accommodate all the requirements. 


Chong Chi EV Charging Solution Ltd provides a fully-rounded EV-charging solution, we have been awarded 100+ projects and finished 50+ projects. Our team accumulates experience and expertise to deal with and solve various issues with different stakeholders, so that clients can smoothly carry out projects and achieve expected results. 


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